Whenever a debate about theumber of Jews who died in the German Holocaust makes theews, I'm surprised thato one seems to remember just before burnt offering of a much larger scale that has occurred. martyred From 1894 to 1922 - the Turks massacred and starved to death more than 3.5 million Christian Greeks, Armenians and Syrians. And in the 1930s alone, between sieben and twelve million Ukrainian Christians were systematically and deliberately starved by the Communists. It just seems so sad to me that the Americans largely forgotten these victims. Yes, theumber of "6 million" is controversial, and rightly so. The Jewish population was about 15 million in 1939. How could the Jewish population have increased so rapidly after the war after the loss alleged six million people Good point, Meg.

And let'sot forget about one million Algerians died in the hands of the French @ Paul M - Theumber of 6 million is extremely controversial. There are only 15 million Jews in the world today The math simply doesot add up.o one says that the Holocaust didot happen and all innocent life is taken one a tragedy, but 6 million Sorry, many dont think so
Theumber of people who died in Holocausts
Theumber of people who died in the Holocaust