Why do people watch foxews

Posted by kao | 12:45 PM | 0 comments »

We amot an American, We am Japanese, and visited a U.S. base recently, and all the messages that they had Foxews on television was. Very hateful and full of their own opinions. Why is it, from what We understand, the most popularews in the U.S.

We wouldot begin to understand why people watch YouTube, and think it as a "real"ews. Doot be fooled about the "most watched" day. It's because Foxews is one of a kind, catering to the war-mongering, hateful Republicans. The honest and unbiasedews are also in competition with each other, so they are less viewship or when compared to Foxews. You are correct in your observations, and Foxews is certainlyot the model for other countries on their opinions of the U.S. base after.
Why do people watch foxews
Why do people resort to see foxews